27 January 2008

The First

This is my first attempt at this sort of thing. In fact, I am not entirely sure why I am doing it. Seems sort of silly. Anyway, here I am filling a need of mine. A sutra is, according to Deepak Chopra in The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire:

...a mantra that has meaning. The mantra itself has no meaning. It's just a vibration, a sound. It becomes a sutra when there is an intention coded on the sound. The word sutra is a Sanskrit word, related to the Latin noun sutura, which is the base of the English word suture, meaning "to join together by sewing." So a sutra is acutally a stitch on the soul, and a stitch is one of intention.

So I have chosen to find my sutra and this is one of the ways in which I intend to do that. Why out loud or in the open like this? Well, I am an actor and we all need witnesses.

I never thought I would be here-living in the San Fernando Valley, temping and possibly going full-time at at a company whose role in this world I am not entirely clear on, and trying to break into the acting business during the writer's strike. All in all, I have to say, my timing skills lack something, something-not sure what it is or I wouldn't need it!

It occurs to me that I am writing to get focused -on my path and on what I think about things. I haven't ever really owned how I feel-at least not for a long time. I have always admired those who are bold and brave-actually saying what they believe in and what they think about and what they know to be true-at least at that moment. How can one not be uncertain of one's choices?

Gosh, big question. Not one I am proud to have.