01 April 2008

Flickering Clarity and a note on Customer Service

Well, I think I may have figured it out.

You know I said in yesterday's blog that Caroline Myss in her book Anatomy of the Spirit talked about the fact that she, at one point in her life before she became an medical intuitive, author, etc., had a job similar to the one that I am currently in.

Well, I have been trying to, in the midst of this crazy place, get a handle on what this job is affording me-you know some clarity about what I am supposed to be doing and learning during this time.

Gosh, okay, back to my train of thought-no wonder writers get exclusive about having space and quiet. Maybe I will continue tomorrow.

I would like to say that I am in serious need of chocolate right now. I was just telling a friend of mine that I always go through this weird 4 o'clock blues thing. I get really pooped, peeved, and pissy.

Anyway, about the clarity thing... funny my post on clarity hasn't been clear or focused at all because I keep getting interrupted.

I think I am in this job for a couple of reasons. First, it has spurred me into writing again. I was in desperate need of a creative outlet and this blogging thing has practically saved my sanity.

Ok, I am going to try to finish this little buggar (I should say blogger) today.
I know that I was about to go on about how these circumstances are playing out in my life and that they are necessary, but before I go on...

a note about customer service...

I had a man say to me after I had told him that the people he was trying to get in touch with were out of town "Well, what would you do if there was a fire? Who would you call then?" I think I said, "I don't think that is pertinent to this conversation"-something like that.
I should have said you have no life and probably a small prick if you have time to be an asshole to a receptionist. Bullying, demanding bastards. I had another woman yell at me "This is ridiculous!" as I was giving her driving directions to our store. I told her that there is no reason to get angry. Then she hung up on me while I was trying to find out if we had another location. I suppose this must be anger that they must have no outlet for.

You know, I think "customer service" should have two necessary and expected components. Instead of the company being the only party expected to be accomodating, perhaps the customer, in order to be served, should be required to be courteous and patient as well. A give-take relationship would be established. The phrase customer service implies that both the customer and the company should be in the service department.

You know, in hindsight, I should have said, "I'm sorry you're having a bad day. Big hug to you, you selfish, shortsighted prick..."

Sorry, sorry, i just keep thinking of great things to say.

What I mean is I should try compassion as a tactic since the whole interaction is obviously not personal.

Anyway, I would also like to make a comment on the issue of self-importance. I have noticed in the short time that I have been here that everyone-or at least the people who call in-MUST be talked to and helped IMMEDIATELY. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT.


It also seems to me that no one in this particular office likes to be available to assist in these VERY IMPORTANT matters.

"Oh, no, I can't help. Call this person or that person."

And I get to run interference. Screen.

"Could you screen calls for everyone in accounting, please."
"Do me a favor, don't send their calls to me. Send them to this person or that person. Let them leave a voicemail."

Ok, so updated requirements for every human being entering society:
1. Everyone should be a waiter.
2. Everyone should be a receptionist.
3. Everyone should have to clean a public toilet.
4.Everyone should try to remember that there are billions of people on the planet. As I said in another column-a little perspective please.

I, actually, have now done all of these things, and, consequently, I clean up after myself, am always courteous and patient, and tip very well. Otherwise, a lot of unnecessary negative energy will continue to circulate.

Aw, that was nice-one of the VPs came and talked to me and agreed completely with what I said. He agrees everyone deserves respect and to be treated with dignity no matter who they are. Amen, brother!

So, perhaps we all think this way. In theory, it sounds great. But, how many of us actually execute our theories.

I find that, in all things, it is very easy to contemplate the possibilities of the life you would like to lead. Its much more difficult to DO.

So, all in all, I not really attended to my original idea of clarity. Perhaps I will attend to it later.

You know, blogging is a funny thing. You kind of say what's on your mind or, at least, the edited version of it. People might read it after all.

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