19 May 2009

The Fog

Ok, so this is a bit ridiculous. It's freakin' 2009 and I have not posted one thing since June of last year. That's not entirely true. I have written maybe a sentence or two as you can see from my posts. I never actually finished any of them though. And its not just now 2009, it's May 2009. Wow. Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy. Ok, so my head and heart have been on a blog vacation. In reality, they have been checked out for awhile.

So, an update(its for me as much as its for you):

Moving again, for reasons that I will not explain. Maybe another day. This time to Studio City(thats what it says on the lease)-though its very close to where I currently live-highly suspect. Lets just say North Hollywood area.

I am temping again-at least this week anyway-at a lovely place you have probably heard of...Napster. Lovely people. Very chill.

I have not worked as an actor in a long time. Wow, not since last summer. Geez. Lots of auditioning though. I auditoned for Mad Men again. Went straight to producers this time.

I took an improv class at Upright Citizens Brigade. Laughed my ass off during every class. Met some very funny, very cool peeps.

I started working out again-like hard core working out-no pussy-footing around the gym for me. The Firm man. If you want to more squats and lunges than you can count try these suckers out. And go for the 80's version. Sure the music and outfits and hair and even little bounces during stretching scream 80's, but the workout will kick your ass. Just don't let your knees go past your toes when you do the squats and lunges and no bouncing-just long nice stretches. Also tried out Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred, NYC Ballet workout, and Nia.

Now, I must pause to speak about Nia. This should definitely be its own update. Ok. So. Nia. Well, its basically dancing I would say, but with yoga and martial arts and tai chi and ballet and many other things all mixed together. I am not expressing myself well. Its about pleasure. Listening to what your body wants to do in the moment. They have a technique but you also get to do free form dances. I went to Studio City Pilates for several classes and had a wonderful time. You would be surprised how hard it can be to let go and move freely to the likes of George Michael or to world music. Check out www.nianow.com for more info.

Another note I would like to hit while I am on the subject of working out. Last night, after temping all day-so basically sitting on my butt for 8 hours-I was incredibly crabby mood. I was intending on working out after getting home, but found that I was in no mood for it. Now, I grant you, that very often, or rather, more often than not, we aren't ever really in the mood to work out, but, there are other times when maybe wejust don't need to workout. What we need is time.

Let me explain. There are times when your body (and by body I mean heart, mind and physical self) maybe just needs some rest. Last night, I went home and I finished a book and then just laid down for a little while. Literally, I laid on my back and just chilled for a few minutes. I actually don't know how long I was there, and I did't move until I felt like it. Before my repose began, I couldn't think of a single thing that I would find pleasant to do. So, I didn't do anything. I just did nothing. And, surprise, suprise...I was in a good mood in no time at all.

It's funny that we don't listen to ourselves naturally, isn't it? Funny in an odd, sad sort of way. Imagine how much easier life would be-every moment, every interafction-if we just listened. Huh. What a concept. No wonder people don't listen to each other. They can't even listen to themselves. Makes sense to me.

So, to continue the update:
I haven't traveled anywhere since going home in December. I miss SC.

1 comment:

Leigh Stevenson said...

So glad the fog has lifted. Thanks for reminding me that it's okay to be still.
