28 February 2008


Well, I am going to attempt this lovely endeavor again. I find lately that I have very little discipline when it comes to most things. Not a great thing to discover about yourself.

It all came up when I decided to do the master cleanse, and I did it...for less than 12 hours. I just couldn't do the maple syrup/cayenne pepper thing. Anyway, I admitted this to myself that this cleanse was more about shrinking in size than colon health and decided that, perhaps, I-all of me-not just my ass-would benefit from some good old-fashioned exercise and yoga.

I have a admitted to myself that I am more of a French women don't get fat type. Meaning-everything in moderation and just be mindful of what you put into your mouth and how often you move your butt. Pretty simple. And nothing to be ashamed of. I am not a cleanse type or a marathon type or deny yourself life's pleasures type in the name of being thin. I am not a backpacking and stay in hostels type either. I am not a beer girl or a sports girl or a camping girl.

I find its kind of nice to admit what you are not as well as what you are. Own all of it.

Otherwise, life is good. The sun is out in LA. There are hummingbirds in my garden. Auditioning for a play tonight. Oh, for the actors who will appreciate this-a legit agent is starting to send me out-whoopee!

more later

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