03 March 2008

Absolute Certainty

So, I know it's every actors dilemma. Day job means I cannot audition. How in the hell am I going to make it with a day job. So then, next step, how about a night job? Let's see waitressing? I am probably the worst waitress in the history of the world-or rather I should say that I would fit right in in Europe. Ask me if you need something. Otherwise, I am going to leave you alone. So that won't work. How about bartending or something like that. That could work-except that I rarely drink hard liquor or beer. I really only ever drink wine. So how about a wine bar then. Ok, yeah, that really could work and be interesting, but what if I get a show. Then what? So I read in some book about being an actor that a day job is part of my job. What a fucking nightmare. Anyway, so here I am again.

The truth is I keep thinking about healing and yoga and meditation as a part of my path that I am essentially ignoring. I really believe that its part of me. But the thought of the minutia involved makes me cringe. And it costs money to get set up.

I am such a winy ho-bag.

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