27 March 2008


Ah yes-wonderful word really...audition.

So meaningful, so full of possibility, so full of the blahs and

the absolutely, one hundred percent necessary "Eh."

So, to make this a little clearer, and to follow up my request for perspective in my last post properly-so as to look like a complete hypocrite-

I got an audition for Criminal Minds. Yep, my first TV audition. It was quite exciting. 3 whole lines. Oddly enough, and actually, if you think about, not so odd, I paid to meet the casting director that called me in. Lovely man. Didn't think he liked me particularly actually. Well, I should say, I think he thought I was funny. Good at comedy. Which was nice, really. I should mention that Criminal Minds is a drama about people who murder other people who are usually young, caucasian women. Every week they need a killer and a victim-the perfect show for breaking in. But...I didn't think it was necessarily great that he thought I was funny. Anyway, blah blah. Apparently, it didn't matter, because he called me in for a teensy part. Friend of the victim. And I don't think I got it. Apparently for this show, the turnaround is quite quick and someone else I know already got a call. So, initially, most definitely, in my small world, a blah. Followed by the absolutely necessary Eh. Bonnie Gillespie, lovely columnist on Actors Access, said that one must have an "Eh" attitude about everything. So you got an audition "Eh." So you got it "Eh." So you didnt "Eh." Life goes on. (She says it better than me. actorsaccess.com. It's one of the march columns.)

I have now paid homage to one of the original reasons I started this blog thing-the actor's intentions-or in this case experiences. It was my first tv audition after all. Thank you Mr. David:)

And now, to move on, because the best actors are the ones with really interesting lives apart from their work.

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