31 March 2008

Fed Up

I am losing sight today

losing sight of my direction


aka filter
aka first line of defense
aka bullshiter for the higher ups
aka person without a life of their own

at least for 8 hours

I must make a change. This is bullshit. And that is coming from the hired BSer:)

Again, back to this. What to do now. I cannot continue this.

I am not a phone person. I don't like to answer my own phone. Much less, phone calls for someone (or in this case, hundreds of someones) else. I hate this. Can I just say it. Not to complain, not for anyone to fix, but for me. I HATE THIS. I QUIT!

That feels better. Whoo. At least I am being honest. Now I don't feel so trapped. Better.

Odd how releasing, letting go and saying fuck all helps.

I keep saying it, but I must be more creative. I need something more stimulating than this crapola. And I want to do some good in the world. This is not doing good. This is only spreading bad energy-mine to be exact because I do not want to be here. I want to spread joy, love, beauty and be flexible and making money while doing that.

Landscaper maybe. I love gardening. That could be good.

Post could read:

I will fix your garden. Make it beautiful.
PS (in tiny font) you must pay well ;)

Haha. I am going to check out monster.

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