31 March 2008


So, yes,

this will be a complaining session. I cannot help it. I know that I am supposed to see the positive. Just like Caroline Myss says. What can I use this time for. I am missing it.

Ok...so positives...

I can im with anyone I like, read a book, do submissions for acting, anything I want...

except move from this desk for anything other than to pee or to go to lunch. I probably should have said that I am going to list the negatives now. Oh fucking well.

So...perhaps I should preface this by saying that I am not a desk job sort of person. I should have added that to my earlier post about what I am and what I am not. I need movement. Period. Emotional, spritual and physical. Sitting for what ends up being about 10 hours plus 3 more this evening makes me insane. It's not normal or right. No wonder most people in this country are fat sluggies.

Ok. I have made myself feel sufficiently bad about complaining so I am ready to move on. New space. One must remain eternally optimistic and curious, otherwise, you're dead.

So, e-trading. Anyone know anything about that?

Maybe I should be using this time for thinking about my circumstances. Well, I feel I have been doing that.

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